Special Temples

The Padal Petra Sthalangal are the ones which have thevaram got to the temple by the Samaya Kuravars. There are some temples among them which hold some special fame attached to it apart from having sthala puranam and thevaram. These temples are in various catagories such as

01. Pancha Bhooda Sthalams
02. Pancha Sabaigal
03. Saptha Vidanga Sthalams
04. Atta Veeratta Sthalams
05. Saptha Sthaana Sthalangal
06. Navagraha Sthalams
07. Pancha Mayanams
08. Vanams
09. Ubaya Vidanga Sthalams
10. Vaippu Sthalams

You can click on each of the category to know more about them.